Medical Disclaimer

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If you are in a crisis now, please seek immediate help, call 999 (UK) 911 (US), tell someone straight away, alternatively have a look at our crisis help links

 - The information submitted here should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice from a doctor. We are a non-professional website and cannot deal with suicidal posts/threats of any kind. If you are in a crisis or experiencing severe mental problems, you should always consult your doctor. This site is in no way a replacement for that.

- Any views/opinions expressed by members are their own and are in no way representative of the opinion of the xFinding The Lightx

- xFinding The Lightx will try to moderate posts and any vulgar/threatening posts will be removed, and the member banned. However ultimately, all members are responsible for their own actions.

- All Logos on xFinding The Lightx are properly of their respective owners/creators.

- All rights reserved.